Tesla Powerwall for Three Phase


This customer has a new home with a three phase supply. Their building business is run out of the shed at the rear of the property

The house has three phases to the meter box on the side of the house. The three phase then runs through the Tesla Gateway and then out to the shed and the three phase air con. 

Also out of the Gateway is the single phase backed up load which has the house and the Tesla Powerwall. 

During a grid failure they will not notice the power got out inside the house, but when the grid is available, the three phases from the Fronius inverters solar production can charge the Tesla Powerwall.


  • 50x Trina 330W Trina Splitcell panels

  • 1x 15kW Fronius Symo inverter

  • 1x Tesla Powerwall with backup gateway

Three Phase Power and Solar System.jpg